Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So this week is my first week back to work after 6 weeks home with baby Bella. So wouldn't you know, she gets her very FIRST fever illness in her 14 months of life?? Ironic I know! IT's like her own way of telling me, "stay home mom!". SHe was exposed to a viral throat infection from one of the boys at the sitters last week. The sitter called me to tell me her son had a fever, but by that time, she had already been exposed. To tell you the truth, I really was expecting it because I knew she could only dodge the sickness bullet so many times :( She had yet to have any sort of sickness besides a cold. Anyway, Sunday afternoon she developed a 102 degree temperature, and I freaked out! I knew that the boy had a virus and mediciation was not required, but I was still so scared. Mainly because my sister had severe reactions to fevers growing up and in to adulthood. I have seen her seize many times because of a fever, and it just freaks me out! Anyway, I called the Dr. and she told me not to worry, just keep her fever down and if it goes up any higher or she does not eat or drink to bring her in. I was able to keep her fever down w/ Ibuprofen and she slept fine through the night. She has been in pain for the last few days and it just kills me. Thank GOD Eric had the last 2 days off , so he has been able to be home with her, as I am now a full time working woman! I just started back working full time since I am looking to put Bella in a school a few days a week all day so she can be with other kids her age. Anyway, Im really hoping that she gets better in the next few days as we have a fun playdate planned with the Tortora's on Saturday and a family day on Sunday as well :) It's been so hard not being home with her to take care of her, especially since she wants mommy right now, but I know she is in good hands and she is getting better! Let's hope work week 2 goes by more smoothly!! :)

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