Julian's 15 month check up went well. He is growing just as he should, and is doing all the things he should be. He is now 32 inches (70th percentile) and 29 lbs (94th percentile). Dr. Rampley asked if he was doing all the things he should be, and he is. I expressed to her how active he is and how naughty he can be. She has 2 boys and totally understands what I am going through :) She said that he is now at an age where I can use time out if need be.
I am so impressed with how much my boy talks nowadays. He repeats everything you ask him to and is using so many words. Dr. Rampley asked about how many words he has and I couldn't even answer. He is talking so much and using a new word almost every day. He is still sleeping beautifully, eats everything except green veggies, can play and run all day, likes to pull things off the walls or tables, and loves playing with his big sister. Speaking of big sister, Bella is such a good sister. She plays everything with him and rarely gets annoyed by him. They are such good buddies.
Here is a list of the words I can think of off the top of my head that he is using spontaneously:
-Bella (his favorite word)
-papa (for food)
-tata (grandpa)
-airplane (anytime he hears an airplane , even while inside he yells it)
-poo poo (he has started telling me when he has poo poo, maybe he will be as easy and early at potty training as Bella)
-no no
-night night
-bye bye
-hello (loves to say hello over and over while pretending to be on phone)
-shoes (loves to give everyone their shoes and say shoes 100 times in a row)
-dog ( every time he hears a dog bark he screams it or chases Sadie around saying it)
-nice (pets sadie while saying "nice" 10 times)
-hat (every time he says anyone wearing a hat, he yells it, even at grocery store)
-wa wa for water
-up (this one can be annoying because he will say it over and over until you pick him up)
-choo choo
-more, especially when it comes to food
-baby (whenever he sees a baby, he finds it necessary to scream baby at them)
-hot (always touches the oven even when its not on and says hot)
-dance (loves to get his groove on)
-ashes (this is my favorite thing he says, he says it when he wants bella to do ring around the rosies with him)
He is doing so much and really keeps us on our toes. He makes being a mommy so much fun and amusing. I love my baby boy!