Sunday, April 3, 2011

Julian is 9 months old!

I know I've said over 100 times, but Wow Julian is growing so fast!! He had his 9 month check-up and doing well. He is a whopping 24 pounds and in the 94th percentile. He is 29 inches long and 80th percentile for height. Dr. Rampley did a thorough check up and all is well with him.
Julian continues to be very very active. He is now pulling himself up every chance he gets. He even pulls himself up in his crib, which makes me very nervous because his crib is already as far down as it goes. He is getting in to everything and anything. He loves to explore and make a mess. He is very much a boy and SO VERY different than Bella at this age. While both are very active, he definitely takes the cake. He is cruising along the couch and anything else he can use.
His understanding of language is growing by the minute. If you say "kiss" to him, he will lean over and plant one on you :) If you say (with no visual cues)"clap clap" he will do the cutest thing where he rubs his hands together trying so hard to resemble a clap. It really is adorable! He knows Mommy, Daddy, and Bella. If you ask 'where is daddy?", will look at Eric. He also knows the words car and ball and can pick them out of his toys if I ask him to. He definitely understands the word "No" because sometimes when you say it to him, he will give a pouty face or make a loud squeal out of frustration. He will also shake his head no if you say "no no". Stinker!
He does not have the interest that Bella did in books, but will sit for a short period of time to look through one. I try and remind myself as much as possible that he's a boy so he has different interests than Bella.
He is happy 90% of the time. He is most happy when Mommy is with him or holding him, but he will go to almost everybody with no real separation anxiety.
He is doing great with table foods and has just about loved everything that I have given him. Last night, I made spinach stuffed raviolis, and he ate all of it!
He loves playing with Bella and she cracks him up. He has just started to get annoyed with her at times. If she is in his face too much, he will reach out and push her face away or swat his little hand.
He loves to sleep, eat , and get in to mischief! He is such a happy boy and such a joy to be around that you can't help but smile when he's around.



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