Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bella's 3 year check up

Bella's 3 year Dr check up went well. I had some concerns going in to the appointment, so I was anxious to get her there. One, I am worried about her stye like bump that keeps recurring in her eye. She gave me a name for a opthamologist to take her to , so that she can have the surgery. I am not happy about that, but I don't want her to have long term effects from it. 2nd, she has a mole/birthmark that is on her arm that has some yucky hair growing out of it. It reminds me of the big birthmark my sister had on her leg that she had to have removed. Anyway, Dr. Rampley said to keep eye on it and if it grows, etc we will need to get that removed. UGH, my poor baby!!
Her measurements were:
38 inches, which is in the 63rd percentile, and 31 pounds , which is in the 40th percentile. She has turned in to quite the skinny girl, even though she eats and eats all the time! In fact, she almost always eats her entire plate of food. Granted, most of everything she eats is healthy, but the girl can eat! She just stays very active, which I love.
Some of her favorite things to do right now include: playing in her kitchen, reading books, playing with play-dough, coloring, practicing her letters, singing, dancing, playing soccer, anything outside, and running around the house with her brother. She is the best big sister I could ever have asked for and she takes great pride in being helpful to me and to Julian. She really likes to play "pretend" with her toys and likes to add Julian in to the mix, mostly to boss him around. She loves going shopping with me, and I love taking her. It's my favorite thing to do with Bella. Her and I go alone and leave the boys alone. She loves to grocery shop, clothes shop, etc. She is definitely a girly girl! She likes to say her prayers at night, in fact if we walk out before doing them, she gets very upset.
I have started to tour some preschools, as she is now 3 and I think it would be a great experience for her. I am looking at 3 hour classes 2 days a week. I want her to still be at Bernie's house, where she can still just play and run around. I also want her to have a couple hours a week where she can learn. The schools I have looked at have all been academic based and great schools. Eric and I have not made a decisions yet, but Bella is excited about the idea. She is so smart and I want to keep her mind stimulated. We have to make a decision asap!
Some things that Bella is doing: she is talking non-stop! Her vocabulary and speech are amazing. In fact, I gave her a speech and language test that we give our kiddos at work. She did wonderful! Her language score was that of a 4.5 year old.
She knows all her letters and numbers (and has since she was tiny), but now she knows most of the sounds each letter makes. She has even started writing some of the letters. She keeps us laughing all the time with the hilarious things she comes up with. She is so kind and very sympathetic to others. Don't get me wrong, she has her meltdowns and need for timeouts, but once she is in timeout, her meltdown is short lived. She can sure drive Eric and I crazy sometimes, but overall, she is such a good little girl. I just can't believe she is 3 years old, I am so sad about it. I love this age with her and don't want her to grow anymore!!!
Bella, we love you so much, you are and always will be our "baby girl" and we are so proud of you. Thank you for being the best daughter we could ever asked for and the best sister to Julian!

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