In the past few weeks, Eric and I have started going crazy with all the things that Julian is doing and getting in to. He can not be in a room without being destructive and making a mess. Aside from his usual taking all the books off the bookshelf, removing all of Bella's clothes from her dresser, and dumping out Sadie's food everywhere, he has really made a mess of some things in the house. Here is a little list that he has done in the last 2 weeks. I hope one day we can read back on and laugh at these things:
-he pulled the kitchen curtains off the wall (yes, he is that strong), he managed to break the hook as well
- broke the picture frame holding a picture of Eric and I
- pulled all the lint from the garbage can in the laundry room and covering himself with it
-took diapers from the trash and threw them in the toilet (all while wrapped like a mummy with toilet paper that he unrolled on himself).
- broke the shelf on the bookshelf in the playroom
- grabbed the carton of blueberries from the grocery cart and threw them on the floor all over the grocery store produce area
- got in to the garbage can in the kitchen and got spaghetti sauce all over the tile
All of these things are so funny to us (except in the moment). He drives me, Bella, and Eric insane but sure does provide constant laughter. He is nothing like Bella at this age who would sit and read and do puzzles. In reality, she is an exact replica of me , and he is his dad. He is so busy and so smart. It sure is different having a boy, but sure is fun!