Saturday, January 9, 2010

15 week appointment

On New Years eve, I had my 15 week check up. I had lost another pound, although I have NO idea how because all I did was eat over the Christmas break; blood pressure was good, and the heartbeat was nice and strong in the 160's. We have scheduled our BIG ultrasound for January 22nd. This is the one that we can make sure all the anatomy is growing how it should, and hopefully find out what the sex of this baby is.
I have no real assumptions of what this baby's sex is. I know that I feel very different than the first time. I have less nausea but more stomach pains, and heartburn. I am having to pop Tums quite a bit for tummy pains and acid reflux. I am also a lot more exhausted in this 2nd trimester than last time. That may because I have a toddler at home, but I just can't seem to shake this utter exhaustion, to the point where I am finding it really hard to keep my eyes open! I am now at the 16 week point and I am hoping I start to feel better soon! I had caffeine one day and I could swear I felt the baby move :) THat was always my most favorite part of pregnancy last time. So fun!
I have started to talk to Bella about there being a baby in my tummy, as she likes to sit on my tummy a lot and be rough. OF course she doesnt understand, but when I tell her there is a baby in my tummy, she pats my tummy. WE have an exciting road ahead, us Hoovers :)

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