Saturday, January 23, 2010

IT'S A........

its a boy Pictures, Images and Photos

Yesterday was our BIG ultrasound. This is how it went.. I am always a nervous wreck before each and every ultrasound, and this time was no different. We brought Isabella with us because we had not made other arrangements for her as we thought we would have my sister and Dad to take her out of the room if need be. Due to circumstances, they were not able to come. I really thought she would be fine because she has been to one of my other ultrasounds and she did okay. Anyway, the minute we got inside and they put the machine on me she screamed off the top of her lungs. Not a whiny scream, but an "I'm scared, what are you doing to my Mommy?" scream. So, Eric had to not only take her out of the room, but out of the building. He was pretty upset that he was unable to be in the room, and so was I. Anyway, they were able to take measurements of the head, legs, see the heart, see the way the blood traveled in the heart (so cool), and see other vital organs. The next part was to see the face. He would not cooperate at all! He was face down with his head up against my cervix. He would wiggle around and we could catch a glimpse of his profile but not enough where they could get a picture of it and take measurements of mouth, nose, and eyes. This is important to help rule out any facial abnormalities as well as syndromes such as Down Syndrome. The tech said, while we wait for him to flip, let's look to see what sex this baby is. Thank God his legs were wide open and could show us his little winky. I cried of course, I was so excited. Yet, sad that no one was there with me to share the awesome moment with. I knew Eric would be over the moon. The tech asked that I move around, drink some water, and go see my husband to try and get this baby boy to turn around. I went out to the lobby where Eric and Bella were and smiled and said "it's a boy!!!" Eric's whole face lit up, he was so excited. We both had said, no matter what, we would be so happy. I kept thinking a sister for Bella would be so nice, but at the same time, a boy would make for the perfect family. Of course I knew Eric deep down would love to add a boy to our family :) I really thought this pregnancy was so different from the last, that it must be a boy, but did not have a strong premonition like with Bella.
After some hugging and crying, I did some jumping jacks to move this baby around, went to the restroom and headed back to the room hoping my boy would turn his sweet face around. At that time, Jammie came by so she could hear the news in person. She was super excited! It was nice to have her in the room with me for a while to help me to relax. After she left, the tech came back and took a look at the baby, and again NO LUCK!!! The Dr. came in and said at this point there was nothing we could do except come back at a later time. We had already been there for almost two hours. THey had tried to put me in every position and even used a different machine. Still he would not budge! I am completely bummed at this point because all I wanted to do was make sure my baby was okay before leaving the office :( However, she mentioned that I could have a blood test to see the likelihood that we would have a child with a syndrome. I had originally opted out of this test, because I knew Eric and I wouldn't change our mind about having the baby so it didn't matter to us. However, after not being able to see his face and see that he was okay, I did the blood work. So basically now... we wait. ughhhh! I'm not really too nervous because Bella wouldn't show us her chambers in her heart when I was pregnant with her, and I had to have several ultrasounds to confirm she was okay. SO I think it's just my children.. they don't like to cooperate :) Anyway, all we can do is continue to pray that HE is okay, but at least now we know it's a HE :) I of course will continue to be worried sick until I know for sure he is okay, but I know there is nothing I can do but pray. Not to mention, we are in the middle of moving, and I have way too much packing and cleaning to do to stress even more about it. Needless to say, we are so excited about adding a boy to our already awesome family!
We are still working on names, and think we have one down, but don't want to post it until we are positive, but SOON I promise. Here are some kind of fuzzy pictures of our sweet little man...






1 comment:

Valerie said...

Awesome! I love this blog! I know I am going to be just like you, a nervous wreck the night before and until the ultrasound. I am glad to hear your baby boy is healthy! Congratualtions!