Friday, July 30, 2010

Potty Training

With me being home for the summer, I couldn't think of a better time to start potty training Bella. She has been telling us for many months when she has gone in her diaper. I knew it was up to me to just put her in underwear and go for it. We have not used any pull ups, as they feel just like diapers. We went straight for undies.Bella just turned 2, but I picked up her cues of being ready.So I made her a "potty chart" where should put Dora stickers on every time she goes on the potty. I also bought her candy as a reward :) She loves to go and get a sticker afterwards.
She has done so well! We have been at it for about 5 days of just undies. She really has had very little accidents and only one poop accident. She was at the sitter for a few hours yesterday and I kept her in undies and sent her with changes of clothes and more undies. Well when I picked her up, she was in the same clothes! She used the potty there as well :) Today was our first outing at a restaurant and store and again she stayed dry! She even used the potty at the restaurant and went pee. We are sooo proud of her! She has learned so fast and I'm so glad I finally decided to start the process because I really think she has been ready for quite some time. She is still working on telling us when she has to go, it's mainly us asking her if she needs to go, but I know that is coming! I can't believe I just wrote a whole blog about pee and poop, but I am just so proud of my baby girl. Plus, Im super excited to not have to buy diapers for her anymore since we have Julian to buy diapers for.
I am finishing this blog 2 days after I started it, and she has not had ONE accident since I started this. We were at Nino's yesterday to swim and hang out and I brought her potty seat with us and she went at his house too.. no accidents. I think I can officially say Isabella is potty trained!! YAY Bella, Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you :)


Michaela Lopez said...

you lucky girl. Michael tells me after he has peed in his pants. lol

Valerie said...

That's great! Way to go, Bella! We have been potty training Shelby as well. He does great with going potty, tells us when he needs to go, but will NOT poop in the potty. So, we still have some work to do there! I am sure he will get there eventually. Definitely a bonus on having to buy diapers for only 1!

Mindy and Jeremy Cull said...

That is awesome!!!!!! Gooo Bella!!!