Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So here is an update on Isabella and Julian:
Isabella continues to do wonderful with the potty, she has had 2 accidents and that's about it. She is such a big girl!She has loved her time at home with me, she has been sleeping in until 8:30 or 9:00 every morning! That should be a fun habit to break once I go back to work :) She is super helpful with chores around the house, cleaning up her toys, and just helping me with Julian. I am so grateful for her, she is so wonderful .
Julian is now in to a nice routine. He is eating 4 oz every feeding which is about every 2.5 to 3 hours. I know, I know, he eats a lot! The Dr said to feed him as much as he wants since he is breastfeeding and it is easier to digest and plus he is a growing boy. So in order to keep up with him, I've been pumping much of his bottles so that I can measure out 4 oz and not have to feed him every 1-2 hours. He still likes to be held A LOT! He makes Eric and I exhausted. He is so happy and content as long as he is being held. We have made sure to put him in the swing and in his crib more so that he is not expecting to be held all day. He has been to the sitter 3 times and has done really well.She said she loves him because he is so snuggly. It's so hard not to snuggle his chunka lunka self :) He is up most of the day with just a few short naps throughout the afternoon. He takes a bath every night at about 9:30, gets his last feeding, and is in bed by 10:30. He has transitioned to his crib and is doing fabulous. He sleeps until sometime between 3 and 4 am, gets a feeding and is back to sleep until 630 or so. I then bring him in to bed with me for a feeding and he sleeps with me until Bella wakes up. Of course once I go back to work I will break him of this, but I just want those extra few hours of sleep. He is such a good sleeper at night, much much better than Bella was at his age. Actually he is better than she was even at 6 months! THe best part is that Eric and I put him down after his last feeding drowsy but not all the way asleep and he puts himself to sleep. He doesnt fuss and he just falls asleep all on his own.That is a big deal for us because we learned with Bella how to get her to sleep and we wanted to do the same with Julian.
He is moving like crazy! I will post a video of him soon. Tonight I had him on a blanket on the floor for tummy time and would you believe he rolled on to his back from his tummy!!! I called Eric in the room hoping he would do it again and HE DID! He is crazy my lil man, he is sooo active. He kicks and moves like a mad man. LIke I said before, I knew he would be because he was so active in my tummy. Bella was super active as well, however he takes the cake :) He is also doing a ton of cooing. He will look at us and smile and coo for minutes at a time, it's super sweet. I sure am enjoying him, though it's a lot of work with 2, I wouldnt trade my job for the entire world. To watch them grow up together so far has been a blessing. They already love each other so much and it melts my heart to see Julian smile when he sees Bella or Bella tell me she wants to "snuggle Julian". I love my babies so much!!
Here are some pics of the kiddos....

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