Saturday, November 6, 2010


For Halloween this year Bella was Tinkerbell and Julian was Pooh Bear. The nice thing about Bella's age is that she can pick out her coustume. She was very excited about being Tinkerbell. I really wanted to find a pooh bear costume for Julian, but being that we live in Phoenix, I was nervous about getting a one piece thick costume. However,the evenings have been nice and cool and it worked out perfectly. Julian's Godparents Tommy and Becky wanted to join us for Julian's first Halloween. That was really nice because they each took turns holding him which gave Eric and I a break. We also trick or treated for the 3rd year in a row with Nino Stevie and Jen. THe Cox family and Amy also joined us. Our neighborhood was decorated great. There were many houses with haunted houses and scary decorations. Bella was a little shy when going up to the doors, but we had a great time! Can't wait for next year when JJ is walking!


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