Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Catching up

I have not blogged for a long time as things have been super crazy around the Hoover home. Bella had her very first tummy virus :( It was the most painful experience watching her be so miserable. Then Julian got a bug, so Eric and I had to take turns being home with the kiddos. Eric has also been closing the store a lot, so we have all not got to spend very much time together. However that ends next week because we are all on spring break!!
Anyway, in the past month we have had another best pal born. The Cox's welcomed baby Carina on February 5th. She is adorable and I am so glad that are neighbors so that we can spend as much time together as possible. The following weekend was Eric's 35th birthday. We had a poker party at our home with family and friends, and Eric had a lot of fun!

Our boy Julian is crawling everywhere and in to EVERYTHING! He opens cabinets and pulls things off of shelves. He is all BOY! He is still army crawling, rather than the traditional crawl, however he is very mobile. He is now eating some finger foods and some protein. He pretty much eats whatever I put in front of him. He is eating all kinds of finger foods including: bananas, cereal, blueberries, pineapple, etc. He likes to eat, that's for sure! He is understanding more and more words and loves to make many vocal sounds. He shakes his head when you say "no,no" and will shake his head if he doesn't want something. He is still a fabulous sleeper, I keep thinking he has to wake up in the middle of the night at some point, but nope he never has. He loves his sleep and we love that he loves his sleep. We put him down awake and he falls asleep all on his own. He is such a great baby! He is so different than Bella was at this age, it is amazing. He loves to crawl over to the entertainment center and try and take all the movies out. He also tries to pull the speaker wires, or anything with wires. We definitely have to keep a very close eye on him at all times. Bella liked to sit and look at books and puzzles, he likes to pull things and throw things. Ahhhh gotta love boys :)

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