Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Julian's 1 year check up

Julian's check up went really well. He is super big which we already knew. He weighted in at a whopping 27.8 pounds and in the 95th % for weight and 31.5 inches and in the 75th % for weight. Looking back at Bella's records, they are the EXACT same height at his age, but he outweighs her by quite a bit. In fact, even now they are only 4.5 pounds difference. Anyway, Dr. Rampley did a full examination and he is in good health. She confirmed my suspicion of him being tongue tied, but there is no reason to worry about it now. She knows what I do for a living so she said just keep an eye out for it. At the time of his appointment, he had just started walking and she was pretty surprised that he was walking since he is such a big boy. She at one point said "is he always this active?". I laughed out loud because my response was "hell yes!". He is sleeping 11 hours at night and taking one 2-3 hour nap, so he sleeps great. He is trying to imitate everything we ask him to. She said to get him off the bottle by 15 months, which we have since done, and told us that we are doing a great job with him. ON a side note, Bella is always so quiet at the Dr. because she is uncomfotable, but she knew that we were going for Julian so she was okay. Bella recently received a Dr. kit with stethescope and thermometer, etc and she goes around telling everyone she is " Dr. Ampley" and wants to check your heart. So I told Dr. Rampley the story and she thought it was the cutest thing since she assumed Bella did not like her.

His favorite words include: more, dada, mama, Bella, dog(daw), ball, all done (awduh), bath (when we say bath time, he says "ba" and literally runs down the hallway to the bathroom), duck, up. If I ask him to go get an item such as a ball or train, he will go get it from the toy basket. He is a very smart boy. His favorite things include: his sister (he really really loves her), Sadie, his mama (mama's boy), snuggling, eating, sleeping, taking baths, swimming, playing anything with Bella, riding on his atv, dancing, yelling in to microphone, and running everywhere. HE can point to his eye and nose on himself and on others. My most favorite thing about him is his smile. He is always so happy and if you lock eyes with him, he immediately smiles. He is such a pleasant baby boy and I feel so blessed to be his mommy. We love you son, we are looking forward to watching you grow!

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