Saturday, February 25, 2012

Insists on going on the potty

For the past few months, Julian has told us when he has to go poo poo, before he even goes. After a few months of telling us before he went, I decided to buy him a potty seat. I was not in a rush to train him as he was only 18 months old. The first few times I put him on the toilet, he went pee just a little bit. One Saturday morning a month ago, Julian and I were home alone while Bella was at dance. Julian ran up to me, and tugged on my shirt and said "poo poo Mommy". I put him on the toilet, and walked out so I could finish taking the laundry out of the washing machine. He yelled "all done" and when I went in to get him, I was completely shocked to find that he pooped in the toilet. I gave him some candy and we did a happy dance. Since then, he has consistently gone poop on the potty for me, and continues to tell me when he has to go. It's the cutest thing ever to see him sitting on the potty. I am completely shocked that he has started to use the potty so early, even before his sister did and she was early. So he has been using the toilet for about a month and a half, and I have not felt comfortable putting him in underwear yet because he does not tell me when he has to pee. Today I put him in underwear for the 1st time and he did great! He started to pee and stopped and told me "mommy mess" when he peed on the floor, and stopped peeing once he realized what he was doing. Here's to getting him in underwear and out of diapers by age 2 :)

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