Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bella Rose turns 4

On May 28th, my "baby" turned 4. For some reason, I am having a really difficult time with it. I guess because now she will go to preschool and kindergarten is in one year!! The day of her birthday was memorial day, so I had the day off ;) we all slept in pretty late, and I made her pancakes for breakfast. She requested spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, so she helped me roll the meatballs and make the sauce. We then made her birthday cake. Niño and Nani joined us for dinner, it was yummy! Nani bought her a "Belle" big girl bike and niño gave her some birthday money. Eric and i bought her 3 small toys since her big present is a trip to disneyland in 2 weeks! We sang happy birthday and ate some cake. After dinner, I told her I'd take her shopping to get whatever toys she wanted to buy with nino's money. Her response was "you mean to buy clothes". I couldn't help but laugh, my baby wanted to clothes shop, so that's what we did! We got home pretty late, but what a great day we had.


The day was perfect and I was so grateful to spend the day with her. At 4, she is quite the mature child. She rarely cries, and has grown out of the tantrum stage (thank goodness). She is so fun to be with and her and I love getting our nails done and just hanging together. I told her that she will always be my baby , even when she's mommy's age. She just looked at me funny and laughed.

Some things shes doing at 4:

-dancing, she loves to in our living room and going to the dance studio. She's gotten pretty good and I love watching her dance.

- she is able to write her name, knows the sound each letter makes, and is trying to write out words as I sound them out to her.

-she loves swimming

-she loves to eat. Though she's a tiny lil thing, she enjoys almost all foods, not picky at all. Though she prefers carbs over meat.

- she is a wonderful big sister. She likes taking care of Julian when he needs help. She makes him hold her hand when crossing the street. She likes to teach him words, colors, letters, etc.

She enjoys trying to beat her brother up ;) I have to say Julian is stronger than here, but she really tries.

She is 40 3/4 in., which is 65th percentile. She weighs 36 pounds and 45th percentile. She is growing taller and thinner.

She loves the iPad. She can sit on it and play the letters writing game, bake cupcakes game, and listen to stories.

She is really excited to start preschool.

My is the most mellow, laid back girl.

My favorite personality trait: her kindness. She gets really upset at the animal abuse commercials, homeless people, or anyone who needs help.

She loves to pray for our family and others.

She has officially grown out of tantrums, thank God!

She thinks shopping is the most fun thing to do with me.

Her favorite movies are: cars 2, tangled, toy story 2

She is the light of mine and Eric's life. She makes us so happy and we love her more and more each day. We love u Bella Rose....



On June 2nd we had Bella's birthday party at Peter piper pizza. She had so much fun with her friends and family on her special day. She wanted a "cars" themed party , so that's what we did.





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