Sunday, January 4, 2009

Family Time

We went to Tucson this weekend to visit our family, much of who have yet to meet Isabella. We had such a great time! Isabella was so happy to be around everyone. She was passed around from person to person all weekend, and never cried. She was so happy all weekend. She of course still prefers her mommy, but is absolutely fine being w/ whoever. It's so nice now that she is out of the phase where she only wants mommy all the time and never wanted anyone else to hold her. She would cry and cry when being held by others. Now, she enjoys everyone's company. However, she is still a mama's girl, well at least for now. I know once she gets older, she will be a daddy's girl. Daddy can't get enough of his baby girl.

Isabella got to meet lots of 2nd and 3rd cousins, aunts, and uncles. Of course, they all adored her! She was spoiled rotten this weekend. The only hard part was being away from her crib. She is so used to being in her crib at home and sleeping through the night that when we were somewhere new w/ out her crib, she woke up a few times throughout the night. Which in turn, Mommy and Daddy were exhausted!

Isabella's tooth has finally surfaced through her gum. It has not fully popped out, but it is definitely there. She has not complained at all, which is nice. She has started to lift her arms up when she wants someone to pick her up, and if I say the word "up" without any visual cues, she will put her arms up in the air, its so adorable. She also knows the word "kiss". Everytime before I give her a kiss, I say the word, so now she opens her little mouth. OF course she doesn't pucker but she knows the word. My little babies receptive language is growing!
We also have a dancer amoung us. It's the most adorable thing ever. I have sung the "Isabella song" to her since she was born, and now when I sing it she dances, shakes her hips, and moves her head all around. I showed all my family this weekend, they all got a kick out of it. She has been doing it for a while and she has seen our friends and family laugh w/ her, so of course she loves to show off! She also dances when daddy whistles or does drum sounds to her. My little star! I will post a video of her dancing soon.

She is able to take one scoot while crawling before rolling over. We know it's coming very very soon. We have started to baby proof the house, it makes me so sad how fast she is growing. However, Eric is the opposite of me. He loves that she is starting to crawl and is becoming so independent. He can't wait for her to walk and talk.
Before we know it, we will be celebrating her 1st birthday.. AHHHH!

Also, everything is set for Isabella's baptism. Most of you know that it will be February 14th. I have ordered the invitations, so you will all get them soon. Eric and I are so excited for her to finally be baptized.





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Bella going in for a kiss w/ her new friend Bryce

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww she is so cute, it hard to belive she will be a year before you know it. Very cool that her receptive language is building, you wouldn't happen to be a speech major would you??? :) Happy New Year!