Thursday, March 5, 2009

9 Month Stats

Today was Isabella's 9 month check up. We are happy to report that she is in excellent health :) She has never had to go to the Dr. except for her well visit check ups, she has yet to even have a fever (yes Im knocking on wood as I type this. Here are the stats from today:

She weighs in at a nice 21 lbs 2 oz. That puts her in the 85-90% range.
She is 29 inches long which puts her in the 90% range. She definitely takes after her daddy.
Her iron test was perfect, no anemia. Dr. said she looked great. I can start giving her some dairy products like yogurt and cottage cheese next month. She still can't eat eggs, strawberries, peanut butter, fish, and milk until she reaches a year old. However, I know she will love them all once she does :) I have started to add some protein to her diet. She loved the ground turkey I made the other night. SHe has had chicken and turkey and loved them both. I can't believe only 2 more months of bottles (yay, I hate hate hate the Avent bottles, they leak like crazy). However, that means no more baby, she will be a big girl.

Some other things going on: she sleeps like a miracle. She falls asleep at about 745 and sleeps until 6 am, I give her a bottle and she falls back asleep until 7. She doesnt even make a peep all night. I think she is even more tired now that she is crawling because up until last month, she was waking up at 530 or so.

This week, she has started crying for Daddy. Eric is home more often now while he is in the training program so her and daddy spend a lot more time together. ON Tuesday, her and I were walking at the park when Eric drove by coming home from work. He stopped and got out and held her and gave her a kiss. He put her back down and started to walk away and she screamed. Not a whine, but a fierce cry. she wanted her daddy. He of course had to come back and settle her down. It was so cute! Then, yesterday he got home from work at 7, and picked her up like he normally does and kissed and hugged her.I had dinner ready for him so I told him to hand her back to me and eat. So he did, and ......... WAHHHHHHH! She was all about being with daddy. It's so cute, she actually cries for daddy now. Before, if she wanted up or to be held, it was always me she wanted. Now, It's kinda nice not to be the only one she cries for. I always knew she'd turn in to a daddy's girl someday. Although, she still prefers me of course :)

We are so lucky to have a happy and healthy baby girl. She is growing by the minute, we have to cherish every second !

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