Thursday, March 19, 2009

Isabella's world

So I have not posted anything for a while, and Bella is now doing some new things. She pulls herself up anywhere and now uses the furniture to take some steps. SHe will stand up in the middle of the room w/ no help and stand up for up to 10 seconds. If she falls, she gets right back up. while using the furniture, she will let go and clap her hands. I know it's a matter of time before she is walking....ahhhhh!!! Another bitter sweet moment. She is a little daredevil, she will hold on to whatever she can find, then let go and do a little dance. It freaks me out because I keep picturing her falling on her face, but she has yet to do that. If she drops something on the floor while standing, she will bend over and pick it up without falling. The cutest thing is she will use the dogs to pull herself up and then let go, if she falls, she will fall on them. THey both just look at her like she is crazy :) Anyone who knows Bella well, knows that she DOES not like to sit still. As a matter of fact, as I type this, she has crawled from our living room to the back door where Dakota's cage is and is opening and closing the door. Gotta go get her!
She is also imitating lots of sounds, inflections in our voice, and approximations of words. Okay, yes I know I sound very much like a speech therapist, but I can't help it. I know what to look for in her speech and when she is truly saying words and when my "mommy ear" is on and Im thinking she is saying something and really isn't. I'm a little neurotic, I know :) She loves to say "clap clap" , her version is "aaa aaa". She says "dadda". However, she is always talking, which is absolutely perfect.
She loves to just play by herself and crawl and explore her world. She is such a happy baby, Eric and I are just so mesmerized by her everyday. Ok hopefully by my next posting she isn't walking, we'd like her to stay a baby just a little while longer.


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