Thursday, April 30, 2009

Walkin and talkin

So our baby is officially talking AND walking. I know I should be so proud of her (which of course I am) , it is still a little sad that she is getting so big. She continues to walk great and is saying more and more words. Her favorites are: mom, dad, dog (her absolute favorite), hi, and the best one "what's up"! She also signs the word "more", so cute. If I ask her "where is Sadie?" she will look at her and say "dog". She says it whether I say "Sadie" or "dog" which is pretty impressive. I will post a video soon of her in her toy box area and me asking her to pick a toy out of the bunch, and without any help, she picks the right toy EVERYTIME! So smart! I do these kind of activities at work w/ my kiddos, why not do it at home right? So here is a video of her improved walking, and her saying the word "dog". She is a little upset in the beginning because she is tired of me chasing her w/ the camera... :)

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