Friday, July 3, 2009

Isabella reading

When Eric and I read to Isabella, we follow the words with our pointer finger. Much to my amazement, yesterday she got a book like she normally does, and sat down with it and started "reading" while moving her finger across the words! It's not on the pictures, but the words. It is pretty stinkin amazing to me that she can already recognize print! I just had a big workshop on the importance of reading to a child and how important reading is. The fact that she can recognize print and knows that the words go w/ spoken language is so exciting! Ok Mommy is a nerd I know! I am so proud of my baby girl! She loves to sit and read all by herself, but she also will grab a book from her bookshelf and bring it to Eric or I. I have a feeling I have one smart cookie on my hands!

1 comment:

Valerie said...

All I have to say about that is "WOW! WAY TO GO, BELLA!"