Monday, June 29, 2009

While Mama's away, Daddy and Bella will play..

SO, I had a work consortium to attend in St. Louis on Thursday. I had to leave early Thursday morning before Bella even woke, and returned home on Saturday at 8pm. It was so incredibly hard being away from Eric and Bella for 3 days. I thought about them constantly and just wanted to be home. The weather in St. Louis was so humid, it was gross! However, I got to attend meetings at the Moog school. The Moog school is the oral school for the deaf in St. Louis, which is run just like Desert Voices and is based off the Moog curriculum. The school was absolutely amazing. It was 2 stories, windows everywhere looking out to the playground that looked like an acre full of trees and grass, it was just beautiful. The whole conference just made me realize how awesome it is to be doing what I'm doing. I get to help deaf children learn to talk! How stinking amazing is that? It was a great way to end the school year because towards the end of the year, teachers get burnt out and just want the summer to come. However, after attending this consortium, I really feel better about what I do. During almost every speaker I got teary eyed or cried at least once. It may be because I was extra sensitive because I missed my family, but after becoming a Mom, I have realized how precious life is and how much we just want our babies to live the best life possible.
Me being away gave Eric and Isabella some alone time. My friends and Mom said they would call and check in on him and see if he needed anything, but I knew he wouldn't! He has got it covered. He is used to being home w/ her 1 or 2 days a week, but the difference is that I get home by 1 o clock. While I was away, he was in charge of it all. When I returned home, he shocked me by saying that he really can't believe how much work it is to be home all day with a baby. Now, Bella is a pretty easy baby. She doesn't cry or fuss often and takes 2 naps a day. She is really independent and most of the time just likes to explore. However, I know how hard it is to be at home w/ a baby. He said it was easier to be at work during his 12 hours shifts than be home all day with a baby. Hallelujah! He finally understood what I was talking about! Its so much easier to take care of her when you have 2 parents at home, but all alone for most of the day is hard work. I can't say it enough, God Bless those moms who aren't just single moms, but really GOOD single moms! It's a lot of work! I'm just thankful now Eric truly gets it. I am also thankful that he is so active in taking care of her! When I got in the car when they picked me up from airport, she looked at me so strangely like "how dare you leave me mommy!". She just kept looking at Eric. I was a little sad because I knew she had really attached to Daddy even more so while I was gone, but once we got out of car and got to play, she was warmed back up to me. I never want to leave again!
To add to this, I am officially off of work for 6 weeks! I'm so excited to have some time to relax. These last few weeks have been so stressful and Im looking forward to being home with Isabella and unwinding. We have some pool days, parties, jumping gyms, and a vacation planned to San Diego this summer. I am looking forward to having a great summer with my family! Hopefully being a stay at home mom doesn't kill me :)

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