Thursday, June 4, 2009

Isabella's 1 yr check-up

Today, I was so nervous about Bella's one year check up. I knew she would be getting her MMR shot, and myself and Eric are totally freaked out about that shot. We knew we were going to have her vaccinated no matter what, it was just really nerve wrecking because of all the controversy surrounding that particular shot. So Eric took half the day off to be there for it. Anyway, we got to the Dr. and she had to walk around. ON our way back to the room, she was walking the hall and ahead of us. Dr. Rampley saw her and said "oh my look at that Ms. Diva Isabella"! She was walking around like she owned the place and not allowing daddy and I to pick her up, and waving at the nurses. We finally got her in the room to get her measured and weighed. Not to our surprise she is in the 95th % at 31.5 inches long and in the 85% at 22.9 lbs. The Dr. inquired about her eating, sleeping, and behavioral issues and told Eric and I that we were doing absolutely everything right and that we are awesome parents. It was a really nice thing to hear. She also told us that Bella is developmentally ahead of most her age (which Dad and I already figured :) She was very impressed w/ her vocabulary, motor skills, etc. YAY! Then came the 4 shots.. yuck! I of course have to stand w/ her at the table because dad can't be too close, he gets to upset. She did fine as soon as they were over and could be held. Now we just wait and make sure she doesn't have a reaction to the shot and pray it will all be ok. I know they will be!

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