Monday, November 16, 2009


Anyone who is around Bella knows that her favorite things to do consist of puzzles and books. We have never pushed these things on her, just have made sure to expose her to a ton of books as well as things like puzzles and toys to do what she wants with them. If you were in my living room right now, as I am as I type this; you'd see a toddler lawn mower, a push and go Dora car, a Dora ATV, a shopping cart, a bucket of toys, and of course puzzles and books. The things that interest her the most are the puzzles and books. She also loves when you write letters on her Doodle Pro board and her tell you what they are. She can recognize letters A through E as well as say them. If you are the floor of the living room with her, she will literally throw a book at your face (sometimes rather annoying, I know), and scream "READ!" Sometimes she will actually hit us in the face with the book! She loves to point at objects in the book and say "what's this?", as you will hear in the video. She also loves to do a single puzzle, dump it out, and do it several more times. So I thought Id videotape her doing her two favorite things. She continues to amaze me with her vocabulary which consists of so many words now, and just how smart she is. Of course every Mom thinks their kid is the smartest kid ever, and this Mom is no different :)


Valerie said...

WOW! That is amazing! You have one smart little girl! I am definitely buying Shelby a ton of puzzles for Christmas now! Keep up the good work!

shoregirl said...

ah, little Belles is so smart! She cracks me up!!! Love the "go?" and how she flipped the puzzle in the middle of your counting haha. She is so cute! yay for including clock! haha. love you guys! :)