Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bella and Delia's playdate

Last night we had baby Delia over for a few hours. It was super cute to see Bella interact with Delia. She was very interested in "helping" me feed her and play with her. She wanted to keep putting the binky in Delia's mouth (Delia doesn't take binkies) and wanted to keep giving her the bottle. She was cracking me up because she just wanted to play the "Mommy" role to her. At one point, I put Delia on the floor sitting up so that Bella and I could sit with her and play. So Bella ran and got her alphabet flashcards and started showing them to Delia and saying "Delia what letter is this?" At one point, she even said "what letter is this? An "H" , NOOOO it's a "R" ". She would then clap for Delia for getting the right answer :) I was laughing so hard because Delia is only 6 months and Bella took it upon herself to "teach" Delia her letters. She totally gets it from me, I think she's destined to be a teacher or in the working with children field. It was so adorable. Eric and I hope that she will be this way with her brother once he is here. Never did she get jealous or upset when Delia was here and the next morning when she woke up, she wandered around our house saying "Where baby Delia?" I should say Delia is around a lot and they go to the same sitter so she loves loves her and she has definitely taken on the Mommy role with her which I love. She insists on giving her lots of kisses and snuggles and doesn't realize Delia is so small and sometimes hugs a little too hard. She is protective of her and I have a feeling she will be the same with Julian. While Delia was here, we went outside on our porch and Eric and I painted Julian's wooden letters of his name for his room while Bella water painted and Delia watched. Here are photos of our play time with Delia as well as painting photos. Julian's letters are now up :)

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