Monday, December 27, 2010

Bella's imaginary friends

I've been meaning to post this for over a month, but have not had the chance to. So here goes..

Bella has always had a great imagination. She loves to play with her dolls and feed and bathe them. She also enjoys playing in her pretend kitchen and talk on her pretend phone.She will use random items around the house and substitute them for other items.
She has also been telling me for quite some time that she has a dragon that follows her sometimes. Sometimes he goes with her to the restroom, sometimes he's under the couch, sometimes he just plays with her. She says he is small and green. She talks to him and includes him in the games that she plays. I ask if he talks, and she says no that he just says "grrr". I think it is very cool how creative she is. We all know that she didn't get that from me. I can take some credit for her love of books and numbers, but NOT for the imagination part.
Tonight, after dinner Bella precedes to talk to someone who is not there. I asked who she is talking to and she said "Shie Shie". Ummmm okay!! She told me that she is her friend and she was pretending to hold her and help her in the restroom. I took video of her telling me about her and talking with her. She said that she was in the restroom (it was our pantry). It's pretty funny. She is so full of imagination this baby girl of mine! Here is the video of her telling me about her "friend"

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