Sunday, October 21, 2012

Bella starts preschool

We finally decided on a preschool for Bella. I don't know why, but it was a very hard choice. In the end, I think we made a good choice. Her teacher is great and Bella really loves her. It is a Christian preschool, so Bella is learning a lot of things about God that I have not taught her and I love it. She is learning how important it is to be a kind person and to think about others. She is writing her letters ( which she has been doing for quite some time), she's learning about science and nature. The most important thing she is learning is social emotional skills. She is on the shy side and I really want her getting some social skills learning in before kindergarten. She gets so excited before each class days, which are Tuesday and Thursday mornings. She goes from 830-1130 and them my sister in law picks her up from class. I have her first parent teacher conference next week, I'm so excited to see how she is doing. She also has her first of many field trips at the end of the month to the grocery store. They have been talking about how food grows and they're finishing up their lesson at the grocery store. I'll be taking her to the field trip. It's nice because her school is very close to my office so I am going to try to attend to as many activities as I can.

Bella's 1st day of school


1 comment:

Disneyland said...

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