Sunday, October 21, 2012

Julian at 2 years old

Julian is 37 pounds (99th percentile) and 35 inches (68th percentile). Yes, he weighs the same at Bella and she is 2 years older! However, he does have the same size shoe as well. I am Guessing he is going to be a very big boy. He has really took off with his speech and language skills. He is putting together full sentences, asks questions, answers questions, and LOVES to talk. He's always the last one to finish a meal because he talks the entire time. Some things he loves and dislikes right now include:

-dressing up, he loves dressing up in anything. Batman, Bella's clothes,daddy's shoes, etc

Eating!! He is much more picky than Bella, though you wouldn't know it. He doesn't love pastas, hamburgers, or even hot dogs. He prefers meats and fruits. He won't eat many vegetables, but absolutely loves fruits. There is not a fruit that he won't eat.

He is VERY busy!! He likes to be on the move at all times.

He likes to learn. He enjoys playing on the iPad and working on his letters of the alphabet. He also knows all of his colors.

He is very outgoing. Though shy at first around people he doesn't know, he eventually warms up and is very outgoing. He likes people and being silly with them.

He loves to throw balls around, and has a pretty good arm.

He thinks Bella is the queen of the universe. As soon as he wakes up, he asks for her. When home together, he wants to be with her at all times.

He has absolutely no interest in tv shows or movies.

He gets car sick.

He is somewhat of a mommy's boy. Ok, he is for sure a Mama's boy.

He is a cowboys fan, just like daddy.

He has done so well with using the toilet. So shocked he was potty trained before the age of 2 and has done so well.

His fine and gross motor skills are a great strength of his.

He has slept through the night since a tiny 8 week old baby

He likes to help cook and do laundry.

He makes us laugh all the time!


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