Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Friday was my 31 week appointment. As I've said before, I always get nervoUs before appointments because I don't want my blood pressure to be high. It was perfect, and no protein in urine! I gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks which puts me at 8 lbs total! I thought it was 9 lbs, but the Dr. said it was only 8. She encouraged me to keep my gain at 15 lbs or less, and that's what I'm shooting for. Julian is measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule still. Which means, I could have another long baby on my hands :) His heart rate was at 135 and he remains very very active. In fact, his movements can get a little frustrating some days because if I am sitting in a chair and he doesnt like my position, he will kick and kick until I move. He does the same thing at night as well. He has officially become more active than Isabella was in my tummy, which is pretty crazy because she was a non stop mover as well. I am a little nervous that I have weeks to go still and he is only getting bigger, which means more frequent and harder kicks! I am much more tired this go round than with Bella, and he continues to give me some tummy aches with some foods. Overall, things look good and we are getting more anxious for his arrival.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing amazing 8 lbs, NO FAIR! You look beautiful as ever, you totally have the preg. glow!