Monday, April 5, 2010

Friday and Saturday Easter Weekend 2010

I was lucky enough to have a long Easter weekend this year. I had Good Friday off and the Monday after Easter. When I am home with Bella for extended periods, I like to plan fun things for her and I to do. Friday, we met a child that I work with and her Mom at a child's gym. It was one huge room full of trampolines,balancing beams, jumping castle, and more big kid gymnastics equipment. Bella enjoyed the trampolines, jumping equipment, and the blueberry pit. The blueberry pit is a huge pit of blue squishy material that you can either slide in to or jump from a beam in to. Of course Bella slid in to it. She had fun with it ! I was excited to see they had a jumping castle because that is what we plan to have for her 2nd Birthday party. However, she wanted absolutely nothing to do with it! We are hoping that since the jumpy will be in our own backyard she will be okay with it. Anyway,she ran and jumped and played for an hour and a half at the gym and then started to get really cranky and tired. So we went home for lunch and her nap. When she woke up, we joined Deb and Delia on a trip to the Anthem outlets. We shopped and shopped and shopped. It was a beautiful day out and enjoyed walking around outside. By the end of the day, we were both exhausted!

The following day, her and I did our usual routine of grocery shopping and laundry. Later in the afternoon, it was time to head to the Tortora's to celebrate Guiliana's 2nd Birthday! I can hardly believe how fast these girls are growing up (they are 8 weeks apart). Bella played in the sandbox, ran around, and ate pizza and cake. It was a great time. Here are photos from our 2 days of fun..

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