Daddy was home today with us so we decided to make a "fun" day out of her 2 yr Dr's trip. It has become a habit that when we get to the Dr's office, Bella plays in the playroom, but as soon as they call her name to go in, she screams bloody murder. Isabella is not a big crier, in fact quite the opposite, but she gets petrified to go back there that she even shakes :( So Daddy came with us as I need the extra hands.She has learned that at the Dr's office she gets shots so she has learned to hate it.
Bella and I started the day by waking up and letting Daddy sleep in since he's let me sleep in the last few days. She helped me make pancakes. She loves to sit on the counter and pour and stir. Her and I had blueberry pancakes and make banana pancakes for Daddy. Yum!! Then off to the Dr. we went. As always, she was fine when we got there but as soon as we went back she started screaming "NOOOO DR., I don't want it!!" It was kind of funny but sad at the same time. Our Dr. did the usual rundown of a million questions regarding her language, sleep pattern, eating, etc. She informed me to give her less juice if I can and more water. Bella does drink water all day at the sitter and does for us too, but I usually add just a little juice but the Dr. said to give her less. We talked about her temper tantrums that she occasionally has and the Dr. told us that we are doing the right thing with her. Ahhh 2 year olds :) She also said we should get going on the potty training, especially since she has been interested since she was 18 months. So, now that I am home for the summer, that's my next goal. She said Bella may not want to right away being that there will be a new baby in the house but to just take her lead.We'll see how that goes. She wasn't able to ask Bella a whole lot of questions as she was screaming but she heard her saying "no Doctor and I dont want it" so she said she wasn't concerned about her talking :) Bella also started telling Eric all the numbers on the wall and the Dr. was pretty happy about that. She said Bella was a little drama, haaaa NOOOO not at all!
Here are her stats today:
height: 36.1 inches and is above the 95th percentile
weight: 28.9 lbs. and is in the 75th percentile
She has grown so tall and getting so thin. At the age of 2 Bella loves: all fruit, helping cook and clean, all books and puzzles, doing letters and numbers(this is by far her favorite), playing outside in her sand box, swimming, playing soccer with Daddy, snuggling with Mommy,singing Bob Marley (especially "dont worry about a thing"), anything that has to do with Dora, playing with Sadie (brushing her hair, or asking her to do puzzles with her ), going on walks, hanging with Nino and Nannie, playing with other kids (she is very social ), going to ladies night with Mommy, having playdates with Guiliana, and so much more. These are just a few of her favorite things that I can think of .
She knows and recognizes all her numbers and letters, can count to 10 in spanish, counts to 20 in English, knows the sounds of about 10 of the letters, knows the shapes circle, square, diamond, triangle.
She is talking so much. She has just recently started saying longer and longer utterances. Sometimes Eric and I are shocked by how many words she can put together. She's definitely a talker. What makes me most proud of her is that she is so sweet. She reminds us to say Grace before dinner, and prayers at night. She kneels for prayers and always says "Amen" all on her own, If I am upset, she asks why Im sad, If I stub my toe, she will kiss my foot, if we sneeze, she says "bless you ___", she shares so nicely with other kids, she tells everyone "thank you" and will use their name after saying thank you", she says "youre welcome" if you tell her thank you. She has such a sweet nature about her, yet is still very strong willed and can be a stinker. Eric says these qualities are definitely from her Mommy :)
So after her Dr. apt, we went and had a yummy lunch. Then we went to the pool for some swimming. I did some exercises hoping that this baby would come out soon :)She put on her new floaties and played in the water. When we got home at about 4:30, Bella asked to go Mi-Mi (night night). She often asks late in the day to lie down but does not sleep, but this time she did fall asleep. I let her sleep while I made dinner. Then Nino came over so that the boys could try and finish up her swingset. Bella and I sat outside with the misters on under the gazebo and ate popsicles watching the boys. It was a fabulous perfect day together as a family and these are the kinds of days I will forever cherish.