Saturday, June 19, 2010

39 week appointment

Yesterday was my 39 week check up. I was dialated a little over 3 cm and 75 % effaced, so coming along. My blood pressure was the same as last week at 125/85 which is a little elevated, but not worrisome. There was also a trace of protein in my urine which is another sign of pre eclampsia. The Dr. said that it was up to me whether or not to be induced. I decided I would like to be induced given the fact that my blood pressure while not scary, I still thought the best decision was to get induced. I do not want to go through what I went through with Bella due to high blood pressure. Another factor was that 2 weeks ago he measured over 8 lbs and I don't want him getting any bigger risking a chance for c-section. Plus,My family from San Diego is in town for the big day and it would be great for him to arrive this weekend. Dr Schwartz said Sunday would be the best day to be induced as it is usually slower at the hospital on Sundays. My Dr. called the hospital and thankfully , I am the 1st one on this list. This means anytime after midnight I will get a call from the hospital telling us that they are ready for me and a bed is ready. Right now, I am sitting on the couch with my family , and we are all anxiously now awaiting the call. It is now 10 minutes until 10 pm, and I am a nervous wreck! I think it is because I had such a horrible delivery experience last time and I don't want to go through that again. Plus, there is always anxiety for Mommy's wanting their unborn child to be healthy. SO as I sit here with my family waiting for the call, so many emotions run through my head. I am worried about my lil man being healthy, anxious for the delivery, scared, and even a little sad that I will be without Bella for a few days. She has been soooo very moody this week and I am predicting she knows something different is going on. SHe has also just turned 2 so that has a huge part of it, but nonetheless she has been driving me crazy. Saying our prayers tonight and saying goodbye to her made me very sad but I know she will be in good hands. She has been sick all week so we will not be letting her visit the hospital which makes me sad. So wish me luck and I am closing this blog with a prayer:
Heavenly Father:
Please get our baby Julian here safely without any complications and allow him to be healthy. I ask that you help me to be calm and strong during labor to bring Julian in this world. Please keep Eric, our family, and friends strong as I will need their strength to keep me going. I am so grateful for the blessings you have given me in my life, for I know I am truly blessed with a great daughter, husband, family, friends, and soon to be son. Please help Bella to recover from her illness fast and keep a watchful eye on her while we are gone. I love you so much, In your name I pray, Amen.

Here is the last picture of me pregnant at 39 weeks :) My next post will be about my labor and pictures of my baby!

1 comment:

Michaela Lopez said...

I can't wait for your next blog.