Monday, March 22, 2010

videos of Bella

As I have said before, in the last few months, Bella has taken off with her language and almost every day she says something that cracks me up or amazes me. I have been unable to tape her saying these awesome things because as soon as the camera is on, she will either turn quiet, or act silly. However, she is now correcting me if I say something silly or wrong. For instance, if I call her stuffed dog a cat, she will say "no it's a dog!!" or if I call the letter "B" a "R", she will correct me. She is every bit of her Mommy in that sense :) I can't believe that she is only 22 months old, she is so mature for her age. When Baby Delia came to play the other day, she kept trying to feed her her bottle and if Delia's binky fell out of her mouth, Bella ran over to her and said "here Delia" and would put it back in her mouth. She was being such a big sister/Mommy to her. She was very affectionate to her and never once got jealous of me holding and feeding or kissing Delia. It makes me think B will be an awesome big sister!
Here a few cute videos of her chatting and having fun. I taped her playing with her doll because she was carrying it around talking to her and patting her back and being a little Mommy to the baby. I just thought it was so cute so I had to tape it. Obviously she has picked up on the things I do to "Mommy" her.The other video is of her in the bath tub doing her letters and numbers. she cracks me up this daughter of mine :)

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